Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Little Guy...

Yesterday, I sat on the porch waiting for Sam to get home from school. As he came around the corner, I took a few pictures and started to think that he is getting so grown up...tomorrow he will be 7 years old! I completely understand now why parents say, "Time goes by so quickly." I know it sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe he is already going to be 7. Seven is my lucky number and so I am hoping Sammy's seventh year is lucky, too!!! We are having his birthday party on Saturday with 10 boys...I am sure I will have some good photos and stories for next week!!


  1. mom/nannyMay 15, 2009

    Cannot believe that 7 years ago we were waiting for the call that you and Jason were on the way to the hospital. And when we heard this VERY loud baby cry from the surgery your dad said "it's a boy... only a boy would have a strong cry like that" . We welcomed Sam into the family and he captured our hearts. Happy Birthday Sam!!!

  2. Awww...Happy birthday to Sam! Hope it's a special day.

    Time really does pass too quickly, Katie, and as your kids grow older, it seems to go even faster. Take it from me...I feel like we just brought Bailey home from the hospital yesterday, and here she is almost a senior.

    Of course, the amazing thing is while the kids get older, the parents do not! lol

