Thursday, May 21, 2009

Little Bunny...

I have been working on my garden beds and have fought the rabbits eating all the flowers in them, every this year I put up green wire fencing all around my beds. Well, look what a &*%$& baby bunny did to my flowers...
This one isn't too bad, the little bunny at least left one flower. It's tummy must have been full by now...
This flower was pretty large with loads of blooms...not any more!

And this little flower is the same as the top one...notice this one must have been the beginning os the bunny's eating. You may wonder how the little bunny got through my fencing, (notice it in this picture) he was that darn little...he squeezed through the little wire squares.

Well, I am a bit sad, to share that the little bunny is no longer with us. Let me just say, you don't eat my neighbor's new flowers and think you are going to get away with it!!!


  1. OH, MY! I was not prepared to read about violence this morning on Katie's blog! lol

    The bunnies routinely eat my flowers, too. It's so frustrating! This year I planted some snapdragons that are tall already and will grow to 2-3 feet. For the first time, the bunnies left them alone because they were too tall to eat!

  2. Someone told me that urine will keep the rabbits away…so I guess when it gets dark, I will have the boys head on out!  Actually, I have sprayed liquid fence on my flowers, but found out that didn’t even stop the hard core ones…that’s what brought on the fences!

