Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Celebrated Mother's Day last night with our families coming over for dinner. Snapped a few photos of the "kids" with their moms. We shared a lot of laughs, good food and just had a fun time. It was a great evening.
My sister and I with our mom. Our faces should look awesome with all our new make-up. Now, JB's mom wants a vibrating mascara!! (A trait in our family, on my dad's side, is that one eye is smaller than the other. You can really see it in my left eye and my sister's right eye in this picture!)
JB and his mom and grandma. His grandma is a young 93 years old!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you ALL look great! JB's grandma looks amazing! I'm still worried about that mascara, Katie...

