Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Definition...

Sunday, Sam asked me what it meant to "blow chunks." So I explained to him, that it means to throw up. If you know me, I cannot handle when someone throws up. Well, lucky me...Sam came home yesterday after school and said that he had felt icky all day. I thought maybe he needed to poo...well around 7:00 pm, he got sick, big time, on my feet, because he missed the toilet. He hasn't gotten sick for some time and he was pretty upset (so was I.) Well, to make a long story short, after the incident (boy can a little guy unload A LOT) he was sitting there and said, "I'm sorry I missed the toilet mom. But, I do feel better. I think I just needed to blow chunks." We laughed. Then I went on the deck for some fresh air and gagged.


  1. revision to mom's words of wisdom......"if someone throws up on your feet you will not die."

  2. oh big sis...I LOL HARD when I read your comment!!! Awesome!!

  3. Oh, my skin is literally crawling reading your post, Katie! You poor thing! Oh, and your poor son, too! Hope he's better now.

