Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Almost 40...

I decided on my 39th birthday, which was in March, that I was going to write 40 stories about me, by my 40th birthday. Well, I have written a total of 1 1/2 stories! WOW!! So last night, I was doing important computer work and came across a class called "The Challenge of Me." It is offered on Big Picture Scrapbooking. It is a four week, on-line class that focuses on you. Basically, you get assignments (I think) to tell stories about you and your life. By the end of the class, you will have 26 stories about you. So, that just leaves me 14 stories to write, minus the 1 1/2 I have already a grand total of 12 1/2 stories left, that need to be written! My friend, Janet, told me about an on-line class that she had participated in and it sounded like fun. I cross my fingers that I can keep up...

I know my family reads this each day...would you, my family, be willing to write one story about me that you remember? You can then e-mail it to, I would love to have the story about the day I was born. I have been working on Sam's..which is taking about a week to write about those 18 hours! (Plus I would only have 9 1/2 stories left!)

1 comment:

  1. OH, my gosh...what a GREAT idea! I'm sure that there must be 140 stories about you, Katie! lol Are you going to put them in a scrapbook? Or maybe you could self publish an actual book for all of us to buy!

