Friday, April 10, 2009

Scrap Trip...

On Tuesday, I had the honor of joining the girls from Memory Bound on a road trip, to Minneapolis, to visit another scrapbooking store. It was great fun and needless to say, not only did we bond, but we also had the opportunity to get to know a lot about each other. It was a great learning experience and opportunity for us all. Like good scrappers, we had to get a picture outside of the store. I just uploaded them and wanted to share a few...
I guess, the girl that took our picture wanted to document everything...
Linda was pondering pillows...I look as if I am practicing standing up for someones wedding.
The photographer could not get the entire name of the store into the picture.
There is so much more I could share about the trip, but I was told that such stories were NOT blogable and had to sign a document in sloppy joe juice to promise...
Just want to say thanks to the girls for the fun, memories and great laughs!

1 comment:

  1. You're right, Missy...what happened in the bathroom of Timber Lodge (or whatever the heck that place was called) stays in the bathroom of Timber Lodge! lol
    Twas a great time!! Gotta do it again sometime, and YES, we should be roomies!

