Thursday, April 30, 2009


I was sitting in another room when Jack ran in and yelled, "MOM, you have got to come with me! I found this black thing that has buttons and when you push them, knives fly out!" Well, who could pass up the opportunity to find out what I had in the house that would fit that description....

"Look mom! When I push these buttons...."

"Knives fly out!!!"

When I went on my girl trip to Minn. I found this awesome typewriter, which I have always wanted, at a great little antique store at an outlet mall. This is the thing that when you push the buttons, knives fly out!!! Who knew!

1 comment:

  1. lol How cool is that?? My parents have almost the EXACT same typewriter. I used to type on it all the time! Never noticed the knives! lol Are you actually going to use it, Katie???

