Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Hard Being a Kid...

I lost my scrapbooking mojo for a bit and was very frustrate about that happening! But, leave it to my boys to inspire me with their behaoir. This is the page that broke my block and the story is below...thanks, Sam (kind of.) (I so need to get a scanner!!!)

Lately, Sam has been stretching his wings (so to say) and has been testing the waters on how far he can push me and Jason. For example, the other day we were sitting at the table and Sam was watching something on TV and states, “This is stupid.” It caught me off guard, due to him usually not talking in this manner. So, I said to him, “Sam, you could say that in a different way.” He replies, “This is dumb.” I then realize that he is pushing to see how far he can go. So I respond, “Sam, it is not okay to talk that way!” He continues to keep “pushing.” “So what should I say?” he inquires. I know he wants to me to say a “word” that we shouldn't be using…so I sternly say (so he can get the point), “Some things you can think in your head, but don’t say out loud.” He now realizes that he has pushed to far and comes back with, “Thanks for explaining that to me mom.” Ugh!!

So, Sam worked himself into a grounding the other night. He was in his room “thinking” about his behavior. I went to his room and while we were talking about the situation, he states, “There are way too many rules for a kid to remember.” So I asked him to name 5 quick…well, he did. So, I summed up the rules he shared with me as ones that were all about respect. He just looked at me and said,

“It is SO much harder being a kid then a parent.”

I think I will share this statement with him when he is the parent!


  1. I love this!!!! And when did you get the picture?

    I was just glad to know that someone still has some "rules". Tell him it gets better as he gets older. My brother and I laugh about some of the rules we remember growing up with and mom and dad look at us like we are making them up and don't remember them - what a hoot! How funny is that?!?!!?!?

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Your boys say the most adorable things! Love the page! I'm happy your mojo is back. Mine came back yesterday. Not sure where it had been hiding!

