Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day Parade...

Yesterday, we all headed down to the annual St. Patty's Day Parade. Neither JB or I had ever been to one, so we thought it would be a fun "outing" for the family. Plus the weather was unbelievable!! Here are some shots from the day!!

Sam kept checking JB's watch to see how many minutes until the parade started. It started 10 minutes late...welcome to the world of parades!!

A quick beer run started the parade!!


  1. Fun times! I've never been to it either! Your family is appropriately dressed for the occasion. I went all day yesterday without wearing green!

  2. man, you should have given me a call. the parade went right by our office and i could have gotten you killer parking spots.......with kybos right there.....and then i would have joined you! it was nuts down there!

