Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sam at the Museum...

Oh dear...my computer has been behaving badly lately. It keeps freezing up on me and needs to be restarted constantly!! So, I have gotten a bit frustrated and called it quits before I could get my "important" computer work completed! I am hoping that I can get something posted before my computer decides to be Mr. Freeze again....
Anyway, we survived our mini vacation! With all of my complaining, we did (even myself) had a great time. I could share tons of pictures...which I plan on doing...but not all in one day... Lucky you! So, today's "focus" is on Sam at the Children's Museum we visited. This museum was AWESOME! The kids had a blast and all the activities worked!! (amazing!)

In the theater area, the kids could dress up in different costumes. The costumes were fabulous...Sam enjoyed being a wizard! But, I must admit, I did wonder how many other kids had put on that hat....
Next was Ball-A-Mania. There were thousands of balls...endless things to do with them and to put them in...it was insane, but again, complete fun! Even the adults enjoyed this area (JB practiced his juggling.) Here is Sam and Jack at the floating balls...(yes, of course Jack put his face over one of the tubes and he looked like he was riding a motorcycle at 60 mph)
Next stop, Imagination Station. Here the kids could be firemen, play at a farm house or go to the grocery store. This grocery store rocked (I wouldn't even mind shopping there!) Here Sam has already completed his shopping and was checking out. The conveyor belt actually moved by turing a wheel and when you slid your food across the "reader" area, a sound beeped. The cash register even worked! This was a favorite place! (I did get a good laugh at the little girl that came up with her cart filled to the top with cucumbers! She bought out the whole store!)

Sam and his friend decided to man the Bakery. Kids would come up to them and ask them for different breads and pastries...I see a future at Hy-Vee!!

1 comment:

  1. Wizard..... bakery ..... so many choices.

    I think Sam looks like a natural in the wizard wrappings.

