Friday, March 27, 2009

Icky Zoo Pictures...

When you go to the zoo, there are always the gross and icky things...I must remind myself that the zoo is for are some of the icky things I saw...

There was an area in the zoo call Night Walkers. It is all animals that are "active" during the night. Just to top it off, it is in a swampy set-up...wooden walkways, water, eerie noises.At one point, you walk through a cave area and there are bats all over (in screened in cages.) I stopped to take a picture (remember it was dark in there) of the bat that was hanging on the screen...that was all that was there. Later, when I looked at the photo, I saw that a second bat (full wings spread) had flown up under the first bat. I was very pleased with my it just grosses me out (or up!)

When I push my photo button half way down, the flash comes on for a few seconds. I had the camera pointed down, it lit up this bat stretched over the food bowl...freaky. I figured out they were fruit bats... After these photos, Sam got a little bothered by it all and we had to exit quickly...which was just fine with me!

If you know me I am absolutely frightened, scared-stiff of snakes... (right now I am all tense with this picture) Roo, obviously is not. The snake is behind glass (I think it was a python) but it was moving around...a lot. Roo got right up to the glass to watch it...I couldn't even crop, fix or edit this picture because it bothers me so bad....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'll agree,'s really scary!! Yikes, I'm having to scroll the snake way up to the top of the screen to type this!
    I don't mind the bat guys, but that snake gives me the willies. HOWEVER, I'd much rather see a snake behind glass than in the wild (as in my yard)...

