Monday, March 9, 2009

I think I have core muscles!

What? Well, the other day (well, maybe after jack was born 3 years ago) I notice that when I ran (or walked briskly) down the stairs my mid-section would bounce to the beat of the steps. It really grossed me –up! So I have finally decided to do something about the bounce. Nothing worse then when you stop moving, but your body just keeps on going.

So, I am partaking in the 30 Day Shred video with that b*$@# Jillian, from the Biggest Loser. It is a 20 minute work out and I mean WORK OUCH!! JB thought, “Yea, can’t be that hard…it’s only 20 minutes!” After he joined me for a work out session, he was dying!! I mean lying on the floor, breathing heavy with a sweaty t-shirt. On the video, there is a level one, two and three. The premise is that when you feel strong enough, you are to advance to the next level. So, at this time, I do level one the first day, level two the next day and then a day off …sometimes two days off…because I can barely move and I can only take 3 Advil every 6 hours. I was vacuuming on my day of rest and thought my arms were going to fall off…No, it is because it is a hard work out..NOT because I haven’t really exercised in 10 years and my muscles are basically atrophying.

So after working out tonight..I went up the stairs, fairly slowly (oh – maybe that is why my mid-section is no longer bouncing to the beat…since I am moving so darn slow!) my mid-section ached..which I strongly suspect where my core muscles!! How exciting!! I grinned to myself (or grimaced.) I will get to that level three….I did watch it the other day while having a snack and I may just actually be content with being a level two-er!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny! What the heck are core muscles, anyway? I know about core curriculum, but that's about it! Kudos to you for exercising! I go to that dreadful Anytime Fitness Place. I grumble about it but it does make me feel better. You go, Katie!

