Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Green Tee...

JB has been out of town and brought back the perfect t-shirt for Roo. It is green (his favorite color), with a monkey on it (Roo's favorite animal) and the word "Jack"sonville printed on it! Roo fell in love with it right I am wondering if he will ever take it off!!

Look at that face...he was so happy to get that t-shirt!
Roo modeling his tee. He thought his monkey hat was the perfect finishing touch! What a ham!


  1. I love the 2nd picture - that is just priceless!!!

  2. How delightful and what a look in the #2 picture. Bet he was looking at his dad....his special buddy. This has to be a scrapbook picture. I bet you have just the right paper.

  3. He is too cute! He has a great sense of style, Katie!!

    Oh my gosh, I am a full week behind in blog hopping. But the MB newsletter is DONE! YAY! Now I can get back to this important work! lol

