Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Snack for an Adventure...

Walked into the kitchen the other day and Roo, excuse me Indy, was in the fridge. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I am going on an adventure and I need a big snack for my satchel." Once again...whatever....

At this time Indy has packed himself a propel and a Kraft cheese single slice.

This is to be the third picture, but couldn't get the computer to cooperate with me..again...Indy has his full snack prepared. Propel, yogurt, cheese slice, 5 M&M's (which you can't see) and most importantly, a pack of frozen hot dogs.

This should be the 2nd picture. Roo is checking out the nutritional facts (?) on his pack of frozen hot dogs...

Off he goes for his adventure. Must make a note to find the huge snack bag before everything thaws, warms and goes from there!


  1. Katie, this is priceless! Every day must be an adventure at your house. :-)

  2. This is hilarious! Watch out, he may be hunting a camp fire spot! Nothing like frozen hot dogs!

