Thursday, February 26, 2009


Roo got a new scooter for Christmas and hasn't been able to to take it outside (too much snow and cold.) Well, yesterday that streak ended! When we took Sam to school, Sam and I carried on about how nice the weather was, how it will be great to be outside...on and on we went. So, when Roo and I got home, he insisted that we head outside to scooter (even though it was on 40 degrees and 9:15 in the a.m.) After many tried delay tactics, that didn't work, out we went...brrrr.

There is a "hill" on the walk-way by our house. Roo's insisted that he wanted to go down the big hill. Here he is at the top, noticing it was a bit bigger then he anticipated.
Not a problem for Roo, sitting down on the scooter worked out just "Awesome!"
Look how proud the little guy is!!
He went down three more times and then he parked his scooter in the grass and said it was time for a break. (all right!!) Doesn't he looked wiped out! Maybe a nap is in our future!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you got some great pics of this, Katie! I have to ask, did you make him wear the Gap sweatshirt because it matches the scooter? (I know how some sb'ers think! lol)

