Monday, February 23, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer Mini-Book...

I have volunteered to make a mini-book (at Memory Bound) to celebrate National Scrapbooking Day. The store is going to offer 5 different one hour classes, and this is my project that I will be teaching. I don't know how in the world I am going to get this done in one hour. I'm thinking I will do a lot of the cutting and some paper punching before the class...that way we MAY get it completed. I am planning on asking my mom and my sister over to practice the book with them - they would be good students...talkative, ornery, not listening...perfect trial audience for me...:)


  1. I want to be in your pre-class too! Sounds like just my group!!!! Sorry Saturday didn't work out - hopefully March's will!!!

  2. i would love to be your ginea pig! (how do you spell ginea?) and i promise to be as talkative and ornery, as usual.

  3. I also would love to be in the pre-class. I promise to not pay attention and ask you to repeat what you just said, talk when you are explaining, spread my supplies all over the table and floor and generally be myself.
    Looks like a great project.

