Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 Ramdon Things About Me...

This idea has been going around on Facebook for the last several weeks. Thanks to a fellow blogger, Janet, who tagged me and got me thinking about what were some things that you may not know about me. So, I thought I would post it on my blog due to some of my blog readers are not on FB (I KNOW!) Enjoy!!

1. When growing up there were 3 girls and one boy in our family. Now I have 3 boys and one girl in my family.
2. I hit a peacock with my car~yes, a peacock, NOT a pheasant!
3. I rarely cook or bake. I make a mean grilled cheese!
4. I love learning new things.
5. A great day includes taking a nap.
6. I won’t shower on Sunday unless I have to. (Left over habit from my college years!)
7. When I was little I wanted to be a paper doll when I grew up because they had cool clothes.
8. I can’t stand the word “moist.”
9. I love the smell of books and will smell them before buying. I won’t buy a “stinky” book.
10. I don’t like the smell of Vegas casinos – smoke, fake air and air freshener. I breathe through my mouth when I am in a casino.
11. I can’t eat chicken on/off/from a bone. (No KFC in our house.)
12. The site of blood is hard on me. I usually need to lie down and put my feet up.
13. I am NOT spontaneous at all.
14. I don't like to throw up. I will do everything possible, including being still for hours, just so I won't throw up.
15. I like rainy days.
16. I am extremely shy in new situations and have had to work HARD on getting over that.
17. My clothes are color coded and sorted by season: summer (short sleeve) and winter (long sleeve).
18. I went to the Oprah show and you can see the back of my head through the entire show (almost.)
19. I had my picture taken with President Barak Obama.
20. I love books and read almost every day. (check out my widget - hee, hee)
21. Someday I want to live by a beach in a big old beach house even though water bothers me.
22. I would wear jeans and a white t-shirt everyday if I could.
23. I was an associate teacher at a juvenile detention center for two years.
24. I have to wear plastic gloves when touching raw meat~ like the Thanksgiving turkey, hamburger and chicken. It grosses me out.
25. Jason and I went to Martha’s Vineyard for our honeymoon. While we were out there, we saw John Kennedy Jr. and Caroline Kennedy’s funeral, after their plane crashed near Martha’s Vineyard.

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