Saturday, January 17, 2009

Show Me the Money!

The other day Sammy decided that he need to buy some new Legos. "We just had Christmas, sir, you do not need any Legos - unless you use your own money." Well, little did I know that was going to begin a long "What Legos Should I Buy Research Project." Sammy went and got his Lego catalog and wrote down each one that he wanted, the price, and number of pieces in the box. At this time, he told me, age on the box does not matter. So, he got it down to about five different sets~all twenty dollars or under (makes a difference when it is YOUR money) and was ready to head out on the search for the perfect Lego pack.

Well, Roo was into this too. He pointed out to a few little Lego numbers that he thought would be good to get. So the boys head to their piggy banks to count and gather their money. Sammy comes back with problem, he is a little saver.

Roo came back with his and had a whooping five dollars in his bank. Well, Sammy could NOT believe this...Nanny had given them money several times for birthdays and gifts and change from her purse. "ROO - WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR MONEY?" insisted Sammy.

Meanwhile, I was in the other room while the 2 boys were having this conversation. When Sam counted Roo's money, and announced the amount, I said very quietly to myself, "Oh Sh..." because I suddenly remember that I had just cleaned out Roo's room and took a lot of things to Goodwill. Roo had two piggy banks on his dresser and who really needs two piggy banks? So I shook both of the piggy banks, the monkey one had money in it - I heard the change. And the other...well, it didn't make any sound. I just assumed it was empty - NOT FULL OF HIS BILLS!!

So, to make a long story short, I took Roo's piggy bank, the extra one, the one full of bills, to Goodwill. I had to tell Sam this so he would back off of Roo. "Well then, mom. You owe Roo 20 dollars." "How do you get twenty?" I asked. "Because that has to be the least amount that was in there. He has been alive for 3 years." "Okay," I said, agreeing to this logic.

After that, we were off to the store, money in hand, (Roo's in my purse) to purchase some new Legos...great day...the entire lesson was to teach Sammy how money doesn't grow on trees, and it ended up costing ME $20.00!!

This is Roo's monkey bank that did not go to Goodwill, but was only full of change. He looks dumbfounded at what I did, too!

1 comment:

  1. I took Jack to McDonald's yesterday and he was telling me about the toys he had and the ones he i asked him how he was going to get those toys he wanted.
    "My money," he replied.
    "Oh, and where is your money?" I asked.
    He leans in over the table, looks me straight the the eye with a serious face and says very slowly, "My piggy bank is at goodwill."

    I about choked on my drink.

