Thursday, January 15, 2009


The other day the boys got all bundled up to go outside and play (before the temperature dropped to -100.) While I was getting Sam's gloves ready (he likes to have the gloves pushed tight under the jacket cuff and then the cuff tightened to prevent ANY snow from getting to his delicate wrists!) I looked over and Roo was rolling on the floor. I asked Roo, "What are you doing?" He replied, "I am Randy."

If you have not seen the movie A Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out!) then you won't understand the I will try to the movie there is a little boy named Randy...a lot like Roo...Randy gets bundled up to go outside. He is SO bundled that he can't even put his arms down and he is said to look like a stuffed tic! Well, Randy falls down and just rolls back and forth in the snow because he is so "stuffed" that he can't even get off the floor by himself. So, that explains the "Randy Roll" that R0o to demonstrating. It just makes a mom so proud...

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