Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Fabulous Friends...

Our great friends from Wisconsin came to visit last weekend. It is always a fun time when they come to town. Their oldest boy is just a year older the Sam and their younger boy is just a year younger then Roo. They all got along so well and had tons of fun!! Thought I would put up a few photos of the boys and their activities from the weekend.

The boys playing Army men at the bottom of the stairs. Roo insisted on wearing his fashionable Batman muscle shirt.

The boys are all drawing in Sam's room. Is that big brother 2, sniffing the marker he is using?

No weekend is complete without the flying of paper airplanes. I was impressed that I caught Big Brother 2's in the air!

All 4 boys showing off the pj's and their airplanes. Little Brother 2 has got the Vogue look going for him. When I was looking at this photo, I noticed for the first time, that all the boys have baby blue eyes, except for Roo - he is always doing his own thing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops, typo in the first one...

    Wow, what excitement you must have had with 4 little boys in the house! Holy mole!

