Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Wormy Day...

After a rainy day last April, my sister and the boys decided it would be a great idea to go on a worm walk. I HATE worms and thought my sister did too - which she does, but she sucked it up to help the boys collect those nasty little things. I volunteered to take pictures of the adventure. So off they went- Aunt (which the boys call my sister) was off and picking up right away...way to go big sis!!
Sam found a lot of the wiggly things and wanted to pick them all up - every last one he saw. I was very surprised he would even touch them. He hadn't in the past, but Roo didn't hesitate, so I think he thought he had better suck it up too.

This is so gross. Sam is showing his collection to Roo.

Roo's reaction to the collection. I agree with him 110 percent! (sorry this is so blurry, I was probably gagging due to the viewing of the collection.)

This is when the classic line came out of Sam. While Aunt was picking up one of the last worms, Sam give her the biggest compliment ever " This has been a great adventure, right! Wow! You know what? No girl can pick up worms like my Aunt!"


  1. Sorry - but this story warmed my heart...Not because of the worms - YUCK! But because she was a great aunt. I LOVE this story. I'm not sure if I could do what she did. Hmmm.

    Oh - my nephew is starting his own 365 blog. It's cracking me up. He's 3 for 3 now. He put on his first one that I was his inspiration. Awwww.

  2. Now THAT is the beyond the call of duty! I do not like worms one bit but Bailey is petrified of them. When we had a "worm days" when she was little, I had to sweep them out of the driveway before she would go out to the bus!

  3. yeah, i will pretty much do anything for my nephews! they are my reminders to always keep the kid in you alive and playing.....and to find the joy in even the simplest things.

    but i draw the line at catching grasshoppers.

