Saturday, January 31, 2009

House of Rock n' Roll...

Another favorite pass-time of the boys' is to, as Sam calls it, rock out! This involves going into one of the boys' rooms, putting in a CD (that JB created just for this "event") and jamming. It is pretty funny to catch them in the rockin' out act. Below is one of those times!

Sam is the main rocker on this day with his ukulele in hand. Jack is the dancer...I think he thought he was back in the 60's with his happy sun visor.

Jack is still dancing in the background and now Sam has started the singing. His favorite song, at this time, is Eye of the Tiger.

You have got to love the rockin' kick!

1 comment:

  1. This is too cute! Love the intensity on Sam's face! Katie, this is a sb page in the making!

