Sunday, January 25, 2009

Darth and Yoda...

The boys spend half their time dressed up in costumes. The other day, Yoda showed up on my galaxy. Roo gets down in the crouched position and proceeds to walk around the house like that...just like a little Yoda. And a favorite and very necessary prop of Yoda's is the "cane" which is actually my vacuum cleaner attachment...whatever works, I guess!

While taking a snap of Yoda, suddenly, his arch enemy came around the corner...

Yoda thought I should snap a picture of the two enemies posed together. What cracks me up is that Yoda thought the enemies should be friends for the picture and hold hands...notice Yoda must still crouch down. (You have got to love that Sam just goes with what Roo wants him to do..)

After the picture, Yoda looked up to Darth, while still holding his hand, and said, "Wanna fight, now?" And off they went to fight to save their galaxies.

1 comment:

  1. Could not be cuter! What a sweet snapshot of childhood!

